Mobilization before the Workout. A little distraction with a band to hit those Hip Flexors a little bit more!
I. Dynamic Mobility Warm-Up:
“Mobility Wednesday”
That’s right folks, it is Mobility Week and we will be hitting some nice areas of our body today. We will be concentrating on the quads and hip flexors. We will hit a double “Quad Stretch” to loosen up those bits and get some relief in those areas. We also will have some fun on the foam roller and lacrosse balls as well.
II. Strength and Metabolic Conditioning Workouts of the Day:
A. Hang Power Cleans, 3-3-3
*Compare to November 19th, 2010.*
B. 3 Sets of the following:(1:00 Minute for each movement):
1:00 Minute of Pull-Ups(Strict)
1:00 Minute of Burpees
1:00 Minute of Sit-Ups
1:00 Minute of Push-Ups
*Rest 1 Minute and 30 seconds between each set.*
*Phase 1*
Body Rows
Banded Push-Ups
*Phase 2*
Banded Pull-Ups
*Phase 3*
Strict Pull-Ups
Ring Push-Ups
III. Competitors Schedule Workouts of the Day:
*Competitors will follow a regular schedule today and come in during regular class times.*
A. Good Mornings, Work to a 1 Rep Max
B.. Row Intervals, 4 sets of 500 m Row Sprints.
*Rest 1:1 Interval. Rest as long as it takes you to row 500 m.*
C. GHD Sit-Ups Max in 3:00 Minutes
Post Weights Used and Number of Reps to Comments.
Fun AM! Welcome, Kami and Deb; great first day! BRUUUUUUUUCE!! Kicked ass, “old man”! Nice!
It is so great to see some new names up on the board!!!!!
So I found this on Crossfit Newton’s website and thought I’d share it. It’s pretty inspiring:
We are a different breed. We get excited by things most people avoid. The idea of being laid out on our backs after a workout is appealing. We strive on performance, deal with the pain, and take pleasure in small victories. 5 more pounds, 2 seconds quicker, an inch higher; these are the milestone we live for, they are the reasons we come in day after day and do what we do. We love the suck. We are also a little ridiculous. We try and explain to friends and family why your shins are always scraped open, why our hands are ripped, why we’re having trouble walking down stairs that day, and then immediately try to convince them why they should come and do it. We tend towards are cult-like mentality. (Get more than two of us together and try to have a conversation about something else, won’t happen.) We get way more excited about food than is normal, and we take cheat meals very seriously. We wear ridiculous looking shoes, or sometimes no shoes at all. We cheer when someone gets their first hand-tear and then take a picture of it. We congratulate someone for puking during a workout, and none of this seems unusual to us.
Most of all, we are a community. We suffer together and we succeed together. We cheer each other on. We help each other push past the pain and achieve things we never thought possible. Both inside and outside of the gym, we are family. We come from all walks of life to find a common ground. Crossfit. 3…2…1…Go.