"12 Days of CrossFit"
I. Schedule for Holiday Weekend:
Friday: 9:00 am and 12:30 pm
Saturday: Gym Closed
Sunday: 11:00 am
II. “Christmas Eve Celebration”
“12 Days of CrossFit”
1 Thruster @ 115/75 lbs
2 Burpee Doves
3 French Squats(Front Squats) @ 115/75 lbs
4 Power Cleans @ 115/75 lbs
5 Golden Swings
6 Push Press @ 115/75 lbs
7 Clapping Push-Ups
8 Knees to Elbows
9 Pull-Ups
10 Box Jumps @ 24/20
11 Deadlifts @ 115/75 lbs
12 Handstand Push-Ups
*The 12 Days of CrossFit was inspired by Chris “Goose” Gosler with a little bit of my touch involved with the movements. You will start with 1 Thrusters, then move onto 2 Burpees, then back down to 1 Thruster, then do 3 Front Squats, 2 Burpees, and 1 Thruster, and so on..*
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Wow, this looks like a great way to bring on the holiday, hope to see some of you at the 1230 class!
John you probably shouldnt come….wouldnt want to emarass you on this wod
Dave, what was that? The only embarassment I felt was not beating you by an entire 10 minutes.
This workout was a true killer, talk about mentally exausting switching movements so much. I got between 2930 and 2950, but cant remember exactly what I got, as RX’d.
i did this workout on friday i got 2447 it was tough very tough but o well it was good just draining plus i did it alone hahahahah