*Sunday, November 6th, 2011 Scheduled Classes: 9:00 am Class Time*
*Set Your Clock Back- It’s Fall Back Time!*
I. Vagabond CrossFit Potluck Dinner and Get Together:
Hey Vagabonds,
We are almost half way through the Vagabond CrossFit No Grain Challenge, and the Facebook Group Page is still buzzing with some great recipes and some very useful information. However, some of the people have begun to hit a lull and beginning to feel the effects of cravings and wanting to get some cheat meals in. Through some guidance and some quick thinking by some of the ladies, we have decided to have a get together on Sunday, November 13th, 2011 @ 3:00 pm at Vagabond CrossFit. It will be a Paleo Friendly Meal Time and a great together for all Vagabonds who want to come and enjoy some great food and stay strong for the last week of the No Grain Challenge. This is a family get together, so bring your kids, loved ones, or signficant other to come enjoy some Vagabond Company! Please, let us know if you will be attending, and let us know what you will be bringing. I also know the Patriots Game is on at 4:15 pm, so the game will be on upstairs in the lounge area for all you diehard Patriots Fans!
Sunday, November 13th, 2011 @ 3:00 pm: Vagabond CrossFit Potluck Get Together!
II. Dynamic Movement:
Work through following movements @ Zone 2 of:
Lunge Complex
High Knees
Spiderman Lunge
Butt Kicks
Squat Therapy Against Wall @ 4 seconds down, 2 second hold at bottom, 1 second rise, and 2 second hold at top
III. Dynamic Mobility:
1 Way Shoulder Stretch
Foam Roll/Lacrosse Ball on Upper Shoulders and Lats
IV. Conditioning Workout of the Day:
“King King Junior”(AMRAP 12 Minutes of):
1 Rep of Deadlift @ 85% of 1 Rep Max
2 Muscle Ups
3 Power Cleans @ Weight Chosen by Coach
4 Handstand Push-Ups
*Level 1*
AMRAP 10 Minutes of:
1 Rep of Deadlift @ 85% of 1 Rep Max
4 Ring Rows and 4 PVC Dips
3 Hang Power Cleans
4 Pike Handstand Push-Ups
*Level 2*
AMRAP 12 Minutes of:
1 Rep of Deadlift @ 85% of 1 Rep Max
6 Pull-Ups(Banded or Regular) and 6 Ring Dips(Banded or Regular)
3 Power Cleans
4 Abmat Handstand Push-Ups
*Level 3*
AMRAP 12 Minutes of:
1 Rep of Deadlift @ 85% of 1 Rep Max
3 Progressions Muscle Ups(Knee Muscle-Ups)
3 Power Cleans
4 Decreased Range of Motion Handstand Push-Ups
As Rx
Post Number of Rounds Completed to Comments.
Don’t forget to set your clocks back!
Great workout today!! John took the time to find the perfect scaling option for everyone who wasn’t able to do HSPU and muscle ups. Great job to everyone!
Was nervous with this workout at first due to the muscle ups and the hand stand pushups being my goats. Then John Dunlap told me I had to go at 85% of my DL and squat clean which was 425# and 215# so that added to my WTF factors hahaha. But once I was warmed up felt great everythig went smooth and was able to get 5 full rds plus 1 DL 2 muscle ups 3 squat cleans and 3 handstand push ups! All my muscle ups were turned out and all my handstand pushuPs didnt hurt. Happy with the results
Nice work by everyone today. Good to see some new members jumping in on the weekend classes.