AJ and Pat hitting the Skill Development… What is AJ looking at???

Vagabonds hitting their Skill Development of V-UPS…

Joanna Working on her weighted plank holds…

MegaTron Lining up for his 300 lbs Front Squat…

VAGABOND UPDATE: There will be no AM classes on Thursday, June 3rd, 2010…

VAGABOND NEWS: Here is the schedule for the summer… Starting June 21st, 2010, this will be the schedule for the summer… Finally, we have some early morning classes…

Monday-Friday Morning Classes:
5:30 am
6:30 am
9:30 am

Monday-Friday Afternoon Classes:
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm

Saturday Morning Classes:
6:30 am
8:30 am
9:30 am
10:30 am

Saturday Afternoon Classes:
4:00 pm
5:00 pm

Sunday the Gym will be closed

On Ramp Classes or Beginner Classes will be announced a couple weeks in advance…

Dynamic Mobility Warm-Up:
Bend and Touch Toes
90 Degree Quad Stretch
Lunge Development
Mountain Climbers
Tuck Jumps

Workout of the Day:
A. 800 m Time Trial Sprint- This is an all out sprint
B. 4 Rounds of:
AMRAP 30 seconds x Overhead Squat
Rest 1:00 Minute
AMRAP 30 seconds x Push Press
Rest 1:00 Minute
AMRAP 30 seconds x Barbell Side Hops
Rest 1:00 Minute
AMRAP 30 seconds x Back Squat Lunges

Scaling Options:
Men- 95, 75, 55
Women- 65, 55, 45