Paleo Krunch… The Best Stuff on the Market for a quick snack and to stay within your paleo diet…
Check out Steve Liberati’s Homepage to purchase some paleokits, paleo cereal, or paleo krunch bars…
Haylee scaling the Skill Development of Pistols to ensure proper form…
Melissa Taking Part in the Upper Body Disaster on Thursday…
Brucey Squeaking out the last rep… Good Form.. Bar is at a straight path and elbows are being pushed out to the side…
Tron Busting out Some Ring Push-Ups…
Abmat Sit-Ups for Time… Congrats to Kelly for getting the top score at 100 reps of abmat sit-ups at 1 Minute and 51 seconds… Smoking…
Dynamic Mobility Warm-Up:
Butt Kicks
Broad Jumps
Squat Therapy
Shoulder Mobility Circuit
Skill Development Warm-Up:
2 Rounds of the following at your own pace:
15 Toes to Bar
10 Snatch Balance(45lbs)
Workout of the Day;
A. Weighted Pull-Ups 5-5-5-3-3-3 or Max Reps of Strict Pull-Ups x 3 sets
B. For Time:
Run 400m
20 Deadlift
Run 400 m
15 Deadlift
Run 400 m
10 Deadlift
Run 400 m
5 Deadlift
Suggested Loads for Deadlift:
Men: Bodyweight
Women: 3/4 of Bodyweight
Kevin’s Notes: On the Deadlift, we must ensure that form and technique are paramount. If deadlifts are performed with bad technique and form this could cause injury to the back… Touch and Go will be allowed during the workout, but it will monitored throughout the workout to ensure safety…