A Nice Picture of an Empty Track and Field, before a brutal Sprint Workout…

Vagabonds Toughing out the Second AMRAP of the Day…

Bruce and John working on L-Sits Together…

Power Output= Force x Distance/Time: What does this mean in CrossFit Sense:
This means how much times does it take you to move a certain object over a certain distance… So how long does it take you to squat clean 21 repetitions at 135 lbs compared to squat cleaning 95 lbs over a certain amount of time. Sometimes, our ego or simple muscle head mentality blocks the clear picture of how we want to be successful at CrossFit. Yes, it is great to lift heavy weights and post some decent times on metabolic conditioning workouts, but how successful is our power output with using weights that could possibly be detrimental to our overall fitness…
Crossfit will give you Increased Capacity, meaning you will be able to work harder and stronger. It will enable you to do this across broad time, so that no matter how long the physical demand lasts, you will be able to do what you have to do! Crossfit will give you this increased capacity across broad time and modal demands, meaning that whatever the physical activity you can do it and do it well. So in the end you have this superior ability to work harder, faster, stronger and longer, regardless of the physical demand placed on you. So, for example, I did a workout from the 2008 CrossFit Games on Sunday… It called for 5 rounds for time of: 275 lbs deadlift x 5 reps and burpees x 10 reps… Jason Khalipa, the 2008 CrossFit Games Champion, did this workout in around 3:00 minutes… This is an extraordinary time and his power out put was over 240 watts in that time period… Anything over 180 watts is considered extremely incredible… However, I knew that I would not be near this time and probably would take me about 4 minute and 30 seconds to complete… My power output would be substantially lower and in fact would not have gotten the full workout, in my own eyes.. I wanted to feel like Jason Khalipa did after he finished that workout and come close to his power output.. So I lowered the weight to 225 lbs on the deadlift and completed the workout in under 3:00 minutes.. My power output was over 200 watts and in overall physical terms received a better workout because my power output was greater than at 275 lbs… Now, I am not saying to do every workout half ass and not push yourself to the ultimate limit, but I am saying to rethink sometimes your decision on the weight used during a workout… I will never be in the same category as the Khalipas, Speallers, or Mikko Salo’s of the world, but why not in some aspects try to create the same power ouput they create during a workout to imitate how they feel. It will only benefit you and in the long run make you a better athlete…

Here is the Power Output Calculator brought to you by Catalyst Athletics…

VAGABOND NEWS: I know John and Myself have signed up for the Boston Run to Remember on May 30th… WHO ELSE IS GOING TO JOIN??

More Vagabond News: I have some exciting news for the Vagabond Community… Yours truly will be taking part in a 8 week study/programming regime created by the mastermind, Dutch Lowy, starting on May 9th.. It will consist of having goals in weaknesses in strength and conditioning. Dutch Lowy is one of the top minds in the country on programming and have forged a great relationship with him over the last few weeks.. I and 9 other people around the country have been chosen to take part in this program and I am truly excited about learning more about myself, but also to become a better programmer for the Vagabond Community.. I will give updates sparlingly on the program and how everything is going… Trust me over the next 8 weeks this will better the Vagabond Facility and in the meantime have created a good relationship with one of the best minds in the business…
Check Dutch out at…

Dynamic/Mobility Warm-Up:
Lunge and Twist
Flutter Kicks
Bend and Twist
Butt Kicks
Hollow Rocks

Active Warm-Up: 2 Rounds of the following movements:
Row 250 m
Samson Stretch x 10
Squats x 10
Hang Squat Clean x 10

Workout of the Day:
A. Turkish Get-Ups, 3 sets of 3(Perform 3 reps on each side of your body, which constitutes for 1 set)
B. “Running Broken Grace”
3 Rounds for time of:
Run 400 m
15 Squat Cleans
Run 400 m
10 Squat Cleans
Run 400 m
5 Squat Cleans

Levels and Scaling:
Squat Cleans:
Advanced: 135 lbs/95 lbs
Intermediate: 105 lbs/75 lbs
Beginner: 75 lbs/45 lbs

Beginners may do Hang Power Cleans to work on form and technique… Also Beginners may do Front Squats, to ensure proper depth and consideration for the difficulty of the movement in squat cleans… Safety and Form is Key.. So Choose appropriate scaling to ensure higher output during your workout… Sometimes going heavy is not the answer… Power Output can be generated sometimes if you pick an appropriate weight for the workout and finish in a faster time…