Ross got the top time in Vagabond for “Grace” at 2:12…. Congrats Buddy…
Foam Rolling/Trigger Point: 5-7 Minutes of Myofascia Release Work:
ITB Band
Active Warm-Up: 2 Rounds at steady pace of:
Bear Crawl x 20 m
DB Swings x 10(lightweight)
Squats x 10
Push-Ups x 10
Jump Rope x 2:00 Minutes
Workout of the Day:
Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1, rest 120 secs between sets
Rest 3:00 Minutes
Advanced:GHD Raises 3 sets of 12
Intermediate:Back Extensions 3 sets of 12
Beginner: Supermans 3 sets of 12
Rest 3:00 Minutes
For Time:
10-8-6-4-2 of:
Advanced:Handstand Push-Ups @ Full Range of Motion
Intermediate: Handstand Push-Ups onto ABMAT
Beginner: Choose Either: use Band for Handstand Push-Ups or Use Box with knees on top
50-40-30-20-10 of:
Advanced:Double Unders
Intermediate: Single-Unders @ reps of 150-120-90-60-30
Kevin’s Notes: For the conditioning workout, you will do 10 handstand push-ups, then do 50 double unders, then do 8 handstand push-ups, then do 40 double unders, and continue at this pattern… until you complete 2 handstand push-ups, and 10 double unders…
o jesus a workout of my goats might as well thrown in OVH squats and you would of sunk me hahahaha
Only way u get better is attacking those goats
When can we hit my supreme goat of wallballs?!