The Vagabond Facility was packed today and was a good indicator of where we are headed…
Vagabond News: Over Ten People PR’D on Shoulder Press today and just shows with determination and will power, any Vagabond can do anything if they put their mind to it…
Warm-Up: 3 Rounds at a steady Pace:
Handstand Attempts x 5
Box Jumps x 10
Muscle Snatch x 7(45 LBS)
Inch Worm x 10 m
Strength WOD: Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3
Met-Con WOD: 7 Rounds for time of:
Power Snatches x 3
Burpees x 6
Box Jumps x 9
Buy-Out: 21 Pistols(Non-Dominant Leg)/ 21 Pistols(Dominant Leg)/ 21 Air Squats
Kevin’s Notes: Guys will use 95 lbs for Power Snatch. Gals will use 65 lbs for Power Snatch. Guys will use 24 inch box. Gals will use 20 inch box. Required movement for Burpees is chest touches ground and must clap hands overhead with hips at full extension. For the Buy-Out, if you cannot do Pistols, use a box for added support or use a barrier to hold onto as you descend in the one legged squat. Anything will work, just make sure you are performing a pistol with any means, as neurological memory will kick in and will help with the progression with difficult movements.