How Important is it to Keep Track of Your Workouts, Nutrition, and Sleep?
It is pretty damn important in Vagabond CrossFit… As you can tell Nora and Ryan are hard at work writing down their workout that they just completed in the Vagabond Folder File.. Every Vagabond has a folder, so they can keep track of their workouts and see their progress through their time at Vagabond CrossFit… Information, Data, and Analyzing that data is imperative to having a successful gym and also having motivated athletes… I believe data is the most important aspect to having a successful business. It gives an eye view to your client of their progress and what they have to work on to become successful at CrossFit… The Vagabond Folder File gives the Vagabonds an opportunity to collect their data and analyze it in the future…
Warm-Up: 3 Rounds at own pace:
40 m Shuttle Sprint/Box Jumps x 10/7 Push-Ups/12 Air Squats/25 Mountain Climbers
Skill Development/Strength WOD: Handstand Push-Ups x 3 Max Sets- You can do full range of motion, or if you cannot perform full range of motion, we can put an abmat to lessen the full range of motion, but still perform the movement…
Handstand Holds x Total of 15 seconds x 6 Sets
Met-Con WOD: 3 Rounds for time of:
Back Squat Push Press x 25 reps
Lateral Side Hops x 25 reps barbell
Kevin’s Notes: Guys will use 95 lbs. Gals will use 45-65 lbs for Back Squat Push Press.
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