The Top Picture is where the Vagabond Community trains out of now. The bottom picture is where I first started training out of a garage in Kingston, Ma. In 8 months, alot has changed in the Vagabond Community!!!

Quote from the movie “Equilibrium”- What is the point of Life?

” Whats the point of your existence?”

“To feel. Cause youve never done it, you can never know it. But its as vital as breath. And without it, without love, without anger, without sorrow, breath is just a clock… ticking.”

Warm-Up: 2 Rounds at Own Pace:
Row 500 m
Hip Mobility Drills
Inch Worm

Skill Warm-Up: Coach B Warm-Ups x 10 x 2 Rounds

Strength WOD: Snatch Deadlift 5-5-5-3-3-3

Met-Con WOD: “Dumbbell/Burpee Complex”
AMRAP 20 Minutes of:
Hang Power Clean x 3
Push Press x 5
Burpees x 7

Kevin’s Notes: For the dumbbells Vagabonds will use 20% of their bodyweight for dumbbell weight. I thought it was appropriate to hit a nice dumbbell workout to go back to basics and Coach Rut’s Training Methodology.. Enjoy Vagabonds!!