Pose Running Drills…People’s Form already Getting Better… Legs, Hips, Shoulder, and Head all aligned under their General Center of Mass, plus pulling their legs up, instead of pushing off the ground, and leaning at their ankles, not their body… Great Stuff!!
Bobby Sands, Revolutionary Hero for Northern Ireland during the clash between the IRA and UVF…
“Our revenge will be the laughter of our children.”
Rest Day, Skill Day or Make-Up WOD’S
You can either rest, work on some Skill Developement or make a workout you missed throughout the week… Gym Hours from 8 am to Noon, if you have to come in a little later, let me know and I will accomdate you…
Ross gave me a little insight into a Paleo You Tube Video… It describes the Paleo Diet in the simplest terms and really hits the nail on the head… Check it out…
Check on YouTube… Paleo Diet in a NutShell- Part 1 and Part 2…
death by 10 meters ughh i am feeling this one thanks for the motivation Kevin!!
Ha Ha no Problem Ryan,, Good Job Today, even with Pukie almost making a visit… Army Strong!!