Strength/Met-Con WOD: Rest Day
Monostructural Workout of the Day:
Choose the Following:
Cover As Much Distance As Possible in the following Time Period: 20 Minutes
RPE-19-20:95%-100% Effort
Saturday, August 8th, 2009: Garage Gym Hours will be from 7 am to 9 am… It will close from 9 am to 12 pm, due to scheduling hours… I have to go to CrossFit New England up in Natick to drop off some boxes… Business hours will resume at 12 pm and go to 2 pm to meet anyone’s needs… Thank You…
Most of the Vagabonds will know what the RPE SCALE is… but for newcomers and people who visit the website, I have attached a detailed explanation what entails the Rate of Perceived Exertion… This is a model of how hard you should go during your workouts and sets up a good scale of how to counter your ability during your monostructural workouts… Also, it validates were your carido vascular efforts will be most efficient during your workouts and were it is most beneficial to your CrossFit training… Read it and Love it!!
Rate of Perceived Exertion
Aerobic fitness conditioning is improved ONLY IF you increase your exertion during the aerobic walk/run/bike. Eaxh day estimate how hard you feel your exercise workload is. This feeling should reflect your total amount of exertion and fatigue, combining all sensations and inner feeelings of physical stress, effort and fatigue. Focus on the entire body. Try not to underestimate or overestimate your feeling or exertion. Be as accurate as you can.
The RPE Scale gives a quantitative identification of the feeling of fatigue.
It indicates a subjective sensation of effort. These feelings of fatigue are very highly correlated with heart rate,
7 very, very light exertion
9 very light exertion
11 fairly light exertion
13 somewhat hard exertion
15 hard exertion
17 very hard exertion
19 very, very hard exertion
Training zone is 12-16 on the scale. You must be working at this level to be receiving cardiorespiratory benefit from the exercise. This intensity approximates an intensity of 60-80% of the Target Heart Rate Range using the Heart Rate Reserve method discussed in another fitness article.
Mike, at the age of 15, finishing a brutal pull-up/deadlift workout and Vagabond CrossFit taking the necessary precautions to avoid infection.. I THINK!!