Skill Warm-Up: Run Technique and Video Review

Strength WOD: Back Squat- 5 x 4 @ 75%

Met-Con WOD:
Four(4) 100 m Sprints(rest 20 sec) then…
18,15,12 of:
Deadift @ 65%
Handstand Push-Ups
Four(4) 100 m Sprints(rest 20 sec)

VAGABOND NEWBIES: I would like to welcome Bridget and Michael to the Vagabond Community. Both are great high school athletes with infinite potential. Their mother came to me with some aspirations and believed CrossFit would be the answer. Bridget is a accomplished three sport athlete and a all scholastic in softball. Michael is an upcoming wrestler, and by the time he hits his junior year, he will be a state champion. I am truly excited about this adventure and cannot wait to the see results throughout the rest of the summer.

All the Vagabonds have made huge strides in their performance and each one keeps impressing me each day. On Tuesday, we will take some videos of the Vagabonds running and at the end of the day, we will critique their running style and see were we can enhance their performance and stop those nagging injuries with some implementation of Pose Running Skills and Drills. Keep working hard Vagabonds and Get Ready for a Great Day.

Ellen Shoulder Pressing for her first one rep max. Great Job Ellen and Great Form!!