Skill Warm-Up: Handstand Holds and Handstand Push-Ups

Strength WOD: 5 x 1 @ 80% for Deadlift

Met-Con WOD:
Four Rounds for time of:
100 foot walking Lunge with Dumbbells in Hands
15 Suitcase Deadlifts with Dumbbell in Hands
10 Sumo Dead High Pulls with Dumbbells
60 m Sprint

Great Job today by the Vagabonds as they got ripped apart by “Fran” and her destructive power. As you can see I put a video up of Mike practicing the snatch progressions and by the end started to really get the movement. This movement takes time and practice and can only be accomplished through repetition after repetition. Throughout the week, we will always practice the olympic lifts to better our form and create better technique. Some people shy away from these movements because they are difficult and complicated. However, people do not realize the importance they have in developing speed, power, strength, coordination, balance, and flexibility. They are also a great core stabilizer and overall a fun movement to learn.