Skill Day: Kipping Pull-Up and Hollow Rock Tutorial

Max Day: Max Height Box Jump

Met-Con WOD:
25 Sit-ups
15 DB Thrusters
5 Deadlifts @ 80%
5 Rounds for As Fast As Humanely Possible

We will test the waters with our agility during this WOD, as we will have a max height box jump and see who can soar through the air like Mike Jordan. Also, we will again hit the agility ladder for our drills and practice our agility, coordination, balance, and accuracy during the skill warm-up. Our Met-Con WOD will be a killer on the abs and will test the waters with our new fond 1 rep max from a few weeks ago with the deadlifts at a caclucated percentage to really hit our power and work output to the maximum.

Great Video with Jeff Tucker from the CrossFit Gymnastics Cert, in which, he explains the importance of the hips and the misconception everyone has about the kipping pull-up. Our shoulder girdle must be active and our hips must be in a open and close swinging motion. Do this and your kip will be perfect!!