Skill Warm-Up:
Run Drills: Gun Run, Wall Drill, Hop Forwards, Cariocas, Lean Wall Drill
Strength WOD:
Push-Ups Max x 3
Run WOD/Pose Run:
8 x 200 m- 1:1 Intervals- Rest How Long it takes you to Run the 200 m
Deviation of 3-5 Seconds: Example: If you run your first 200 m in 15 seconds, then the remaining 7, you must not go over 25 seconds.
Foul: If you go over your deviation period, then you will be issued a foul.
Penalty: Isometric Squat Holds- 3 Minutes- If you cannot hold for 3 minutes, rise up and go back down!
We will be hitting a WOD concentrating solely on running tommorow as we have not concentrated specifically just on running over the last few weeks. This WOD is brought to you by CrossFit Endurance for beginner runners, who have not yet been fully introduced to Pose Running, but will still hit the key skills and fundamentals behind Pose Running. I have shown a few of the Vagabonds Pose Running, but the vast majority have not had a class on this skill. I will show them the basic skills and drills behind Pose Running to try an master this art form. After the Skills Training, we will hit the Running WOD full steam head and the Vagabonds will be smoked. So Get Ready and Rest Up!!