Skill Warm-Up:
Introduction to Coach B Warm-ups for the Snatch

Handstand Push-Ups
3x Max Reps or Max Hold

Strength WOD:
Snatch 5×3- Only Move up in weight if form is right on!!

Met-Con WOD:
As Fast As Humanely Possible:
500 m Row(Fly Wheel- Men:10 Women:6)
21-18-15-12-9 of:
DB Swings
Jumping Pull-Ups
500 m Row

I looked over the CrossFit HQ website and saw that they posted a Hang Snatch Workout. Snatches are one of my favorite movements and have been practicing myself overtime on perfecting this movement. However, many of the Vagabonds have not even sniffed at this movement but only through Coach B Warm-Ups and felt it was necessary to add it into our Catalyst Athletics WOD. I feel that through some more practice at lightweight and hitting some repetitions, we will be prepared more for a WOD like this down the road. Also, I added a row movement to the WOD because we have not been on the row machine in quite some time and the guys and girls cannot be deprived of this essential tool that is in the garage. So Good Luck Vagabonds and Get Some Rest!!