5 Rounds for Time of:
75 lb Thrusters-21 reps
Double-Unders-21 reps

Substitutes- Single Unders or Tuck Jumps

7 Rounds for Time of:
75 lb Thruster-15 reps
Double-Unders-15 reps
or Single Unders- 45 reps
or Tuck Jumps-15 reps

This workout will be great for the Vagabonds, as we have been trying to master the Double-Unders over the last couple of weeks. Most will be ready, but some will have to wait for their chance at Double-Unders another day, as we will either substitute Single Unders, as 1 Double-Under will equal 3 Single Unders or tuck jumps. However, I believe substituting tuck jumps are really not the same as getting under that rope and really hitting the jump rope with some practice and drilling. I believe this workout will really elevate the Vagabonds performance and show them at CrossFit is truly constantly varied with all their workouts. So, Good Luck everyone and Keep up the good work. I will leave this post with a video from CrossFit and how to properly execute the Double-Under with some great form and technique. The whole purpose is not too swing your arms with the rope, but to use your wrist as the force driving the jump rope.The video will show how to prepare for the double under and give you tips of how to properly pass the jump rope thru with more effieciency and less work. Check out the video and see the master of the jump rope perform this movement at a crazy rate!