Three Rounds for Time of:
Run .5 mile
50 Wall Balls
Run .5 mile
40 Wall Balls
Run .5 mile
30 Wall Balls
This was a killer workout for the guys, but gave them a good idea of running a decently far distance and practicing their Wall Balls, which is a good indicator of their air squat technique and good movement for the Push Press. Great Job Guys!! Check out the Journal Article on Pose Running and read some valuable information on this SKILL!!
Other Vagabond WOD’S:
I would like to welcome two new Vagabonds to the community by the name of, Nora and Gus. They performed the dreaded Tabata Suck Fest and were taught the first six fundamentals of CrossFit. They will be sore and tight, but they really appreciated and underestimated the effects of doing basic air squats with bodyweight. Great Job Guys!!
“Tabata Squats”- 20:10 x 8 rounds
Other Vagabond WOD’S the guys and girls performed in the Vagabond Garage:
Three Rounds for Time of:
21-18-15 of:
Push Press
Abmat Sit-ups
Run 250 m
Medicine Ball Clean Overview:
Amrap WOD of 8 minutes:
7 Medicine Ball Cleans
7 Push-Ups
AMRAP of 10 Minutes of:
Ring Rows x 10
Push-ups x 10
Abmat Sit-ups x 10
Air Squats x 10
Four Rounds for Time of:
Run 400 m
20 Burpees
As you can see, at Vagabond CrossFit we are all over the place with different workouts, but that is what you get when you start having streams of people coming through your doors. I am so proud of all the people showing up and getting through these workouts. They are all great people and making huge strides in their performance. Great Times and Great Work Ethic, which I want here within Vagabond CrossFit!!
.5 mile
50 wall balls
.5 mile
40 wall balls
.5 mile
30 wall balls
WOD time: 19:02
Killed my whole body. I really enjoyed the run mixed in with the dreaded wall balls. It was a great workout. Thank you Kevin
8 Ring Rows
8 Push ups
8 Abmats sit ups
9 Air Squats
6.75 Rounds
four rounds 400 m run and 20 burpees. 20:27.
great work out i was toast at the end
Sounds like you guys and girls gave it hell. Nicely done! Sorry i missed out but my hockey team did win the Championship last night sooo.. Haha. See you all lata.
Hey Chris,
Dont’ worry you got a nice little MET-CON Workout today for a make-up-
Congrats on Hockey Brother!!!