Vagabond CrossFit WOD- 4/24/09

“Filthy 30” WOD- The guys met their first monument workout today and smoked it all to hell. They got introduced to one of the toughest workouts in CrossFit and really push through this brutal regiment of movements. I mutated the workout from the original RX workout called the “Filthy 50” because some of the guys were not ready for some of the movements issued during this heinous workout. However, I added in Med Ball Cleans, and Good Mornings to substitute for Back Extensions. For some instead of having them do Double Unders and getting one every minute, I had them perform “Tuck Jumps”, where you have the person dip about 8 inches down and jump up with their knees tucked up to their chest. It is a simulation from the Double Under and more effective than just doing the regular jump rope. This was a great day for them and they put their full effort into this one. I was very impressed with their times and determination to finish the workout. This was a graduation period for most of them because they took on the beast and brought it down. The scores ranged from 14 minutes to 20 minutes, which was a good indicator that everyone could handle this workout and that it was not over the top for their athletic ability. Keep on going Guys and Keep seeing amazing results!!

Kevin missed the Strength workout Day a couple of days ago, so he made it up yesterday. Kevin has not front squatted or dead lifted with heavy weight before in his life, and was very impressive with the numbers and weight he threw around yesterday. He had great form and technique, which is the most important because the weight will come hand and hand with these two elements. As I said before, we got brand new power racks and they are immense in our pursuit of seeing great results. Kevin did a great job and his scores reflect on this. He also realized how important the finger tip grip s during these heavy days and how important it is to have that technique down before you tackle workouts like strength and heavy days.
Raul and Celine- Had a great day today and hit some more fundamental workouts in the morning. Raul was outstanding and got through his ladder workout with some great intensity. He has been progressing everyday and his flexibility has come a long way over the last two weeks. When you practice and repeat these movements called the 9 Fundamentals, it is the best medicine to see results with your flexibility. It is vital to loosen up those glutes, hams, and hip flexors for these type of workouts. I tell the guys everyday, that the Hamstring is a huge muscle that is a two type joint. It runs from your knee to end of your lower back. This is why many people suffer from lower back pain or knees problems because they are not properly stretched out and their hams and glutes are one big mess. I as a CrossFit trainer am obligated to see this
corrected and to see vast improvements within my clients flexibility. If anyone wants to get more intelligent or get to know the basics of Flexibility look up Kelly Starret on and you will see how important this element is to performing well within your workouts. Your performance levels are hindered from unstretched hams, glutes, and various other muscles within your body. Kelly Starret is a genius and the owner of CrossFit San Fransisco. Check out this CrossFit Journal by Kelly Starret and the importance of proper stretching. Courtesy of CrossFit Journal-
Chris/Ham/Ross/Kevin- As stated before, they are attacked the beast we called the “Filthy 30”, which is a scaled version of the dreaded “Filthy 50”. This was the toughest and longest MetCon that they boys had to due since their training started about month and half ago. They all were great and really appreciated the workout for today. They all were gassed, but felt great after a few minutes of catching their breath and wiping some crazy sweat off their brow. Great Job Today Guys and Get Ready for Some More Of That in the Future!! As I told them before, CrossFit is all about Constant Variation and never hitting the same workout in a small span of time. We keep the body guessing and try to hit every Ten Aspects of Fitness on the board: A quick Review of the Ten Aspects of Fitness are:
With these ten aspects of fitness you will become faster, stronger, flexible, and all the above. CrossFit main goal is to hit all ten of things with constant and different workouts each and every day. This is how an athlete should train, if they want to see the best results within their performance. It is all about Feeling Better, Looking Better, and Performing Better within CrossFit. Yes, looking better is every one’s key component, but it is great to be stronger, and also just feel overall better about yourself. Within my less than two years of CrossFit, I have seen this on hundreds of people’s faces and have never seen a person depressed or melancholy during their experience with CrossFit, maybe Sore, but never down in the dumps.
Introducing the Workouts and Results:
Filthy 30″
30 Box Jumps
30 Jumping Pull-ups
30 DB Swings- 40 lbs
30 Abmat Sit-ups
30 Good Mornings(Sub for Back Ext- No GHD Machine) Hopefully on the Horizon will be Here!!
30 Push Press- 45 lbs
30 Medicine Ball Cleans
30 Wall Ball
30 Tuck and Jump or Single Unders
30 Burpees
Ross- 14:21
Ham- 14:24
Chris- 16:30
Raul WOD-
Ladder Descencion and Ascension- 3 Rds For Time of:
Jumping Pull-ups
Air Squats
Push Press
Time- 19:56
Celine WOD-
3 Rounds For Time of:
250 m Row
Air Squats x 12
Push ups x 12
Time- 9:31– Very Nice job Celine and Keep Working Hard!!!