Vagabond CrossFit WOD- 4/9/09
This was an off day for everyone else, but Kevin still had some work to do. We finally hit the Medicine Ball Cleans and went over the technique for awhile before we tackled this workout. This was his second day of learning the correct form and movement for the Med Ball Cleans. The first day, Kevin could not even rise from the squat position without falling over. Today, he really impressed me with his progressions, and just shows that with repetition and practice anything can be possibly. Repetition of these movements are so vital to becoming a better Crossfitter and overall a better athlete. Two days ago he couldn’t rise from the squat position, and today he got through a brutal workout with great technique and form. This movement is vital for other movements involved in the Oly Lifts and other power movements. Kevin did a great job and really showed me some great improvement.
Other news, I have to give credit to CrossFit New Hampshire’s owner, Sammy, for mentoring me and giving me great advice over the last 3 months. Without him none of this would have possible, and hope in the near future that our “box” will be like CrossFit New Hampshire. Sammy is a great source of information, but more importantly a great friend and a great mind within the CrossFit domain. He is vital to our future and will always be a call phone away with me nagging him with questions and “picking his brain” as he says.
Kevin’s WOD- Medicine Ball Overview
AMRAP- 7 Rounds
7 Med Ball Cleans
7 Push-ups
cf new hampshire is a lot less like a mentor to you and more like a small family you can lean on. We knew right when we met you in NJ that you would end up a perfect fit in our crazy little circle of psychopaths, everyone gets pissed up here when you blow us off on the weekends. Thanks for the props, it makes me proud to hear how you see what we are doing because you describe the exact vision we had when we started. I can’t fucking wait to link CF Vagabond on our page. Oh, and I didn’t care about the credit for that WOD you gave the guys about the fundamentals, we named it Fight Gone Fundamental I just wanted you to TELL them so they could have somewhere to compare there scores with, and likewise when you have future crews go through those WODs they will have previous athletes records to try and crush.
To the guys that did FGF, sicky scores, can’t wait til Kevin unleashes the next round of suck fests on you. Awesome to see your tight knit community down there, we will get together soon.