Today was a great day with another new recruit added. Ross, is the proud owner, of the house, which we will be training out of over the next whatever months. We got the pull-ups bar up and it strectches about fourteen feet across. We used a support system, which will be sufficient enough to hold a few people at a time. We are truly excited about this new adventure. I talk to one of the people from Crossfit today and we are now pretty much affiliated through Crossfit. We will change our webpage over within the next few days to This is a huge step and finally my dream has come true. We have a solid base of New Crossfitters and they are all excited about our new journey that we will take on. We will probably start working out of the new garage on Monday and will go from there. I cannot utter the words of excitement and joy that I have right now and hopefully this will be a successful run within the South Shore Massachusetts. We have some great people involved in this and the sky is the limit. Today Kevin, Chris, and Ross tackled some gnarly workouts and they killed it all. Chris was truly impressive as he tackled the 9 fundamental movements in a 1 minute setting. Ross tackled his first CrossFit workout of the day with the likes of “Tabata This.” He killed the workout and showed some great flexibility within his hip flexor region. Kevin did a fundamental workout and the pain on his face shows it all through the workout. I am so proud of these guys and how they have really hit these workouts with great technique and some real great intensity. They have no quit in them and they will only get better.
Chris WOD- The 9 Fundamentals( all weight at 65 lbs)
Air Squat x 1:00- 33 reps
SP x 1:00- 25 reps
Deadlift x 1:00- 25 rep
Rest x 1:00
Front Squat x 1:00- 21 reps
PP x 1:00- 15 reps
SDHP x 1:00-23 reps
Rest x 1:00
OHS x 1:00-12 reps
PJ x 1:00-10 reps
Med Ball Cleans x 1:00- 21 reps
Chris did a great job today and showed some real improvement in his technique. I told him the first two weeks are really going to matter because we hit the fundamentals so hard in the beginning. They might find it boring and repeating everything, but today’s workout really showed how important these movements really are.
Kevin WOD- 21-15-9- Time- 10:58
Front Squat(45 lbs)
Jumping Pull-ups
Shoulder Press(45 lbs)
Kevin really hit this workout hard and showed great improvement within his fundamental training. He had some real anguish on his face, but he got through the workout in a good time and kept his form through the workout, which is the most important for now, besides safety.
Ross WOD-Overview of the Fundamentals/”Tabata This” 20 on/ 10 sec Rest x 6 rounds
Air Squats
Jumping Pull-ups
Abmat Sit-ups
Ross was great today and got his first taste of CrossFit. He really enjoyed the workout, but he was beat down after this one. The great thing about Tabata is it is a great workout, but really shows the trainee how you can get a great workout with just your bodyweight. He was gassed, but at the same time was hooked to CrossFit after the first workout. Ross is one of those people who was getting sick of the same routine at the gym and getting tired of the bodybuilding routine. Well, Ross you found the right place and it will only get better from here.