Vagabond Fitness WOD 3/26/09
Matt- Rest day
TJ-Rest day
Josh- Rest Day
Kevin- Preparing for tomorrow.
Chris and Johnnie WOD- I talked about Chris last night on the post. He is a close friend and was introduced into the Fundamentals tonight. I went by his house and worked him out inside his garage, where possibly, I could be training people out of there in the future. I hit Chris and Johnnie with the first 6 fundamental lifts and gave him an overview of what Crossfit is all about. They then performed ” The Four Little Rings”- This is encompasses a workout of air squat, push-ups, abmat sit-ups and a 200 m run after every movement is at completion. Basically, they are doing a tabata protocol, where they did each movement for 20 seconds and rest for ten seconds. They did 4 rounds for each movement.
Total Number of Reps
Air Squats-
Abmat Sit-ups-
200 m x 3-
1000 to 2000 meters (increase wattage from 120 to a minimum of 240 by completion)Run
800 to 1600 meters (Slow steady pace- 85% of best 5k/optional negative-split style run)
3-10 Reps each/4[:30 x :15r] for holds & support drills:
L sit Pull Ups
Shins to bar
Glute Ham Developer Sit-ups
Glute Ham Developer Back Extensions
Handstand Push-ups & Holds
Ring Dips & Support Holds
L-sits (Paralettes or rings)
10 Correctly executed reps of the 9 Fundamental Movements:
Air Squat
Front Squat
Overhead Squat
Push Press
Push Jerk
Medicine Ball Cleans
3-5 Rounds with 3 reps per movement of the Burgener Warm-Up Drill
Optional additions include the Snatch Balance Drills, Jerk/Squat Drills, Clean Sequence, etc.