Vagabond Fitness WOD 3/26/09

Vagabond Fitness WOD 3/26/09
Matt- Rest day
TJ-Rest day
Josh- Rest Day
Kevin- Preparing for tomorrow.

Chris and Johnnie WOD- I talked about Chris last night on the post. He is a close friend and was introduced into the Fundamentals tonight. I went by his house and worked him out inside his garage, where possibly, I could be training people out of there in the future. I hit Chris and Johnnie with the first 6 fundamental lifts and gave him an overview of what Crossfit is all about. They then performed ” The Four Little Rings”- This is encompasses a workout of air squat, push-ups, abmat sit-ups and a 200 m run after every movement is at completion. Basically, they are doing a tabata protocol, where they did each movement for 20 seconds and rest for ten seconds. They did 4 rounds for each movement.
Total Number of Reps
Air Squats-
Abmat Sit-ups-
200 m x 3-
The Regimen: Select different components and combine into your warm-up daily

This is the workout that Sammy, the owner of Crossfit New Hampshire, had come up with in his own mind. I embraced this workout and do it everyday before any of my WODS. As you can see it hits almost every movement in Crossfit and is a great warmup before your workout. All my people do this warmup and it has great benefits on working on form and technique. The key component it keeps your body and mind fresh with all the movements and reteaches the movements everyday. It is a great warmup and a great benefit for becoming a better Crossfitter. Thanks alot Sammy and I encourage and demand all who enter this domain to check out Crossfit New Hampshire’s webpage, which is on the right of this post and study in depth the information on this page!!!
1000 to 2000 meters (increase wattage from 120 to a minimum of 240 by completion)Run
800 to 1600 meters (Slow steady pace- 85% of best 5k/optional negative-split style run)
3-10 Reps each/4[:30 x :15r] for holds & support drills:
L sit Pull Ups
Shins to bar
Glute Ham Developer Sit-ups
Glute Ham Developer Back Extensions
Handstand Push-ups & Holds
Ring Dips & Support Holds
L-sits (Paralettes or rings)
10 Correctly executed reps of the 9 Fundamental Movements:
Air Squat
Front Squat
Overhead Squat
Push Press
Push Jerk
Medicine Ball Cleans
3-5 Rounds with 3 reps per movement of the Burgener Warm-Up Drill
Optional additions include the Snatch Balance Drills, Jerk/Squat Drills, Clean Sequence, etc.