"A.C. Slater"(1.11.2011)

Vagabonds getting after the First Edition of the "Saved by the Bell" Week Workouts!

I. Dynamic Mobility Warm-Up:
“Tuesday Mobility Day”
*Get after those problem areas with a lacrosse ball, foam roller, or any object that will clear up some hidden issues in your body. Remember, we must mobilize for movements and prepare for the workout ahead.*
II. Skill Sets and Metabolic Conditioning Workouts of the Day:
A. Skill Introduction, Wall Climbs
*These will be fun and new for all Vagabonds as they have just been introduced on the CrossFit Main Page. Basically, you are starting from a push-up position and walking yourself up the wall to a handstand position with chest against wall. Remember try new things and be open minded.*
B. “A.C. Slater”(3 Rounds of):
Row 500 m
30 Front Squats @ 95/65
30 Burpees
*Phase 1*
Front Squats @ 75/45
*Phase 2*
Front Squats @ 85/55
*Phase 3*
Front Squats @ 95/65
III. Competitors Workouts of the Day:
*All Competitors show up at 9:00 am class to perform your workouts. There could be a surprise double wod, or you could be told to come back for afternoon classes to prepare for a double wod. Keep an open mind and be prepared for the unknown.*
* Workouts will be announced and on the board at 9:00 am class.*
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