"AMRAP ME UP"(6.29.2011)

Jessica getting the Thumbs up for working her Mobility before a workout!

I. Vagabond CrossFit Cookout:
The Vagabond CrossFit Cookout will take place on Saturday, July 16th, 2011. The sign up board still has plenty of spots left open and I know alot of people want to go, but if you can remember please sign your name on the board, so we know the numbers that are coming, so we can have a good idea of how many people will be attending. There are two sign up spots on the board. The first sign up board is for the Team Workout on Saturday, July 16th, 2011 at 10:00 am, sign your name on the board to let us know if you will be coming to the team workout. The second sign up board is for the cookout itself. The cookout will begin at 2:00 pm, and will last until the last person leaves that night. Please, sign up on the board and let’s have a great day!
II. Dynamic Prep/Myofascia Release Movement:
Foam Roll x 7:00 Minutes- Lower Back and Hamstrings
III. Skill Prep Warm-Up:
Coach B Progressions: Clean Variation
Up and Down
Elbows High and Outside
Muscle Clean
2 Inches
4 Inches
6 Inches
IV. Strength and Conditioning Workouts of the Day:
A. Power Cleans, 5 sets of 1, climbing sets, work to a heavy single
3 sets of the following movements:
30 second amrap box jumps @ 20/16 @ 100%
30 second amrap KBS @ 55/35 @ 90%
30 second amrap Burpees @ 95%
30 second amrap Row cals @ 100%
*Rest 3:00 Minutes between sets*
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