"AMRAP Showdown Part 2"(12.10.10)

Some of the 5:30 pmers hitting their WOD. Keep the Classes Growing as it is only a sign of Vagabonds Growth!
I. Vagabond Christmas Party 2010:
The Vagabond Christmas Party will be taking place on Saturday, December 18th @ 7:00 pm. All food is welcome and just let me know what you are bringing, so I have an idea of what is going to be at the party. Also bring your favorite adult beverages to the party and get your party on!

II. Dynamic Mobility Warm-Up:
“Mobility Friday”
Let’s continue to progress in our mobility and work out some problem areas that we have created over the last week of training. We can only get better and excel in our ability to perform at our highest capabilities by hitting our weak points and mobilizing those areas on our body for elite performance.
III. Strength and Metabolic Conditioning Workouts of the Day:
A. Deadlift On The Minute, 8 sets of 2, Work up to Heavy 2 Rep Max, near 90% of 1 Rep Max
*Get Results from March 30th and June 21st.*
B. “AMRAP Showdown”
AMRAP Set of 5 Push Press @ 95/65 in 2:30.
Rest 1:00 Minute
AMRAP Set of 10 Overhead Lunges @ 45/25 in 3:30
Rest 1:00 Minute
AMRAP Set of 15 Kettlebell Swings @ 55/45 in 2:30
Rest 1:00 Minute
AMRAP Set of 20 Front Squat @ 75/55 in 3:30
*Goal of this workout is to go unbroken in the sets prescribed. So, for example, you will do 5 reps of Push Press, then rack the bar, then reset and go for another 5 Push Press. You will try to collect as many sets as possible in the time allotted.*
III. Competitors Schedule Workouts of the Day for Weekend:
Friday: Rest Day(If you missed any workouts from the week, come in and do Friday’s Schedule Workout)
Saturday: Single Workout of the Day(Met-Con)
Sunday: Single Workout of the Day(Met-Con and Strength)
Post Weights Used and Number of Sets Completed for each AMRAP.