"Back on Track and Hitting it Up"

I am back on track, and healthy once again, after a bout with tonsilitis, and some infections within my throat. I took 5 days off, and to tell you the truth, I felt great, and well rested, which I think was a wake up call for myself, realize this must be part of my training regiment, since I am burning the candle at both ends of the stick. I am working my ass off for Vagabond CrossFit, in trying to create a place of education my clients, and I am very happy that I am now working with Optimum Performance Training, and perfecting my skills as a programmer, and a logical thinker in this aspect. It is amazing what I learned in a one hour convo with Michael Fitzgerald, and it only bodes great things for Vagabond CrossFit in the future, and also with my future plans that I have in place for my own business ventures.

My goal within 18 months is to have a separate business of personalized and specialized training programs for individuals, so I can work with people more one on one, and get the data that I need for my own calculations, and so forth.

Another blabbing on and on, about this and let’s get to the workouts that I did for the day.

Saturday, January 14th, 2012:
A. Team Workout:
For Time as a Team of 3:
Row 3000 m
100 Pull-Ups
Row 1500 m
200 m Overhead Carry @ 185 lbs
Row 500 m
300 Wall Balls

* I felt great on everything, and the overhead carries where my strong suit, as I average 40 meters for every carry until the last one, when I rushed it, and started to run with the weight, and dropped it from overhead, which I was disappointed about, but my teammate, Ross picked it up, and finished it off!

B. Seven Rounds – each for time
Rest exactly 2 mins between each round
20 Push Press @75lbs
20 Overhead Squats @75lbs

All Sets were unbroken, and completed within 47 seconds and 54 seconds.

I wanted to go under a minute on each set, so I was happy overall with the results.

This is a lactate endurance training, and we rested exactly two times as long as it took us, so overall a good workout, and def a way training, that I am happy I am going to be implementing into my own training.