"Back Squats and CrossFit Inferno"(8.10.2011)

Great Turnout for the "300 Rep Salute" on Monday throughout the day! Great Way to Honor those men who gave their lives for our country!

 Vagabond CrossFit will now be offering a 7:15 pm regular scheduled class, Monday thru Thursday. Now, let’s see who comes and puts the work in. The class will take effect this Wednesday,  August 10th, 2011 @ 7:15 pm, enjoy and we do answer requests!

I. Strength and Conditioning Workouts of the Day:
A. Back Squat, 5 sets of 2, climbing sets, 12 Minute Time Limit
*Compare to July 27th, 2011*
B. “CrossFit Inferno”(For Time of the following movements):
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
Deck Power Cleans
Toes to Bar
*Level 1*
Hang Power Cleans @ 85/55 and Knees to Chest or Knees to Elbows
*Level 2*
Deck Power Cleans @ 115/85 and Knees to Elbows
*Level 3*
Deck Power Cleans @ 155/105 and Toes to Bar

Getting Comfortable with being Uncomfortable is the only way you can succeed in the gym!

II. New T-Shirts are Here and Ready to be Sold:
The New Vagabond T-Shirts are in and ready to be sold. We have all sizes and also some nice form fitting girl shirts as well. If you want a sneak peek at what the shirts will look like, click on the link below.
Click Here to see Images of New Shirts and Price will be 20$.
Post Weights and Time to Complete to Comments.