I. Pose Running and Endurance Session One:
Great session today at Vagabond CrossFit with Ken Schaeffer who ran the class on Pose Running technique and principles. Just want to give Ken a thank you for all his great information and hard work he put into teaching the Pose Running Principles. By the end of the session, we had three Vagabonds who’s form had dramatically changed and overall became more efficient runners. Remember, running is a skill and will take time to improve, just like our olympic lifts. For the first 45 minutes, Ken talked about the benefits of Pose and also the history behind it. The last 45 minutes Ken showed some basic Pose Running Drills and then we took some video analysis. We will meet again next Sunday, with reviewing the Pose Running Drills and then giving me the opportunity to program a workout for the few Vagabonds who attend.
II. Monday Class Schedule will run as normal:
Our class schedule is normal for Monday, but just a quick reminder that our last afternoon class is 7:00 pm.
III. Dynamic Mobility Warm-Up:
Lunge Complex
Jumping Jacks
Samson Stretch
Power Skips
Spiderman Lunge
Butt Kicks
*Skill Transfer Exercises*
Coach B Warm-Ups x 5 reps each
IV. Strength WOD(Total Body):
Hang Snatch (5 sets of 1) – Climb up in weights. All sets should be squat snatches.
V. Metabolic Conditioning Workout of the Day:
“Ballin and Swingin”
30 Wall Balls
5 Dumbbell Swings
25 Wall Balls
10 Dumbbells Swings
end at….
5 Wall Balls
30 Dumbbell Swings
Post time to complete to results.