*Gymnastics Class this Tuesday, August 16th, 2011 @ 5:30 pm*
*Please Donate Here to the Fight Gone Bad Fundraiser Page and Help Us Reach Our Goal!*
I. Strength and Conditioning Workouts of the Day:
A. Deadlift @ 80% of Max, 3 sets of 3, sets across
*Get Results from August 12th, 2011*
B.”Blisters and Foregiveness”(For Time of the following movements):
Deadlifts x 25 reps @ 205/125
Box Jumps x 75 reps @ 24/20
Deadlifts x 25 reps @ 205/125
*Level 1 and Level 2*
Choose appropriate weight and talk to Vagabond Coach for selection of weight
II. CrossFit Southie Post from a few days ago about the effects of laying down after a workout:
The reasoning behind these directions are: 1. Physiological and 2. Psychological.
Let’s start on the physiological reasoning behind the cool down. When we CrossFit, we tackle intense workouts that elevate our heart rate and increase the volume of blood pumping through our veins towards our heart. During these workouts, we must generate enough energy to overcome gravity and bring blood flow from our extremities to our heart in order for our vital organs and tissue to receive the ample blood flow needed to support this intense work capacity. When we sprawl out on the floor after moving at 110%, our heart still beats at an elevated pace. However, since we have sprawled out and completely stopped physical activity, we no longer generate sufficient power to bring the blood needed to feed our organs and vital tissues from our extremities to heart (Molkin). This blood will then pool in our extremities and could lead to fainting or dizziness; not good for anyone.
Secondly, not properly cooling down can lead to a buildup of lactic acid in our muscles and blood; causing fatigue to set in faster and a decrease in our athletic performance (Ahmaidi). Thus, properly cooling down aids faster recovery and can help to increase our athletic performance in the long-run.
The psychological reason can be summed up in one phrase: mental toughness. CrossFit is designed to empower us; not defeat us. Sure we’re smoked after a tough WOD, but the hard work we put forth makes us stronger, not weaker. Sprawling out on the ground makes it look like we’ve been defeated rather than strengthened. Mental toughness and sheer will to succeed drive us through WODs and help us overcome our weaknesses; pure athletic ability only brings an individual so far. So finish the WOD strong, stand tall, and cool down, not lay down!
Ahmaidi, S., P. Granier, Z., Taoutaou, J., Mercier, H. Dubouchaud, and C. Prefaut. “Effects of Active Recovery on Plasma Lactate and Anaerobic Power Following Repeated Intensive Exercise.” Medicine Science in Sports and Exercise. 28(4) 450-456. 1996.
Molkin, M. “Warming Up Cooling Down and Stretching:Preparing for a workout and recovering afterward deserve a lot more attention than manly believe.” Fitness Management (Los Angeles). Leisure Publications. 20(2) S-940749. 2004
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Good AM classes today and some PR’s on deadlifts
Had a nice Private today!! Where are my 9 am people. A little lonely doing that with Kevin staring down my neck! Actually Thanks Kev for helping me push myself to reach a PR 220# Deadlift, bad shoulder and all.
Blisters and Forgiveness: Rx’d 6:37
I am hoping to have a bit more company for the gymnastics class tomorrow. ;0)
Sorry Heather,
I had all intentions of going to the 9am- just could not get organized. On a side note: Would like to say my mom at age 66 placed Second Place in her age divison for the Warrior Dash!! She will be my motivation to get my butt in gear!!
Used 345# for the deadlifts. 6:32 as rx’d. Tough workout as my back was shot by the end. Good work by the 6 am class.
P.S. I wanted to lay down after this workout real bad, but thought better of it.
Yeah, Melissa I was looking for you today.. Maybe see you in the morning tomm, and if you can make GYMNASTICS CLASS be there!!!
im gonna lay down after the wod its just part of my process. haha
Typical Response from the Muscle Man himself lol!!! Got to love him tho!
I was right with ya Craig. I made sure to walk around after I was done. I had actually read something similar to what Kevin posted yesterday about not collapsing into a puddle of goo after a tough workout. It actually makes your heart work overtime by doing this. By moving your muscles it actually helps push blood back to your heart and eases recovery. Some say that a cool down is even more important than a warm up.
Did 315# for D/L. 5:33 on the WOD. Tweaked my back a couple weeks ago and this was a good test! Feel surprisingly OK so far!
did 405 for my deadlifts and got 4:32 on the wod. im glad i worked with ross cause i dont think i would have made myself go so heavy on the deads. felt good afterwards tho.
That is great tell her next stop Crossfit Vagabond!
this was a great wod for me, it was 2 of my strenghts, DL and box jumps….i went 405 across the board for my strenght portion and i finished the WOD at 330