Vagabond of the Month for July: Bruce Caldwell
Month you were born in:
I was born in April
Where you are originally from and/or where you live now:
I grew up in Lowell, Ma, and now have been living in Brockton since 1985.
What days/times you typically train at VBC:
I usually workout 4 times a week at the 6a class.I enjoy the Saturday partners WOD’s and also circuit training or running on Sundays.
In addition to being a CrossFitter, I am…
I am a husband of thirty years to my wife Terri,and am the proud Dad to Tyler who earned the rank of eagle scout and is currently going to Umass Amherst in the honors college.I have owned a small remodeling company since 1985.I have always enjoyed sports in particular baseball and hockey,but those days are over now its all about Vagabond now, which has to be the best decision I made in while.
Some training goals:
My main goal at Vagabond is to stay healthy an not injure myself and have fun doing working out. Whoever thought working out could be fun.
I do not attempt Pr’s anymore but that doesn’t matter as much as it used too.
What’s the best thing about Vagabond?
There are so many pluses to training at vagabond,the main one is the friends I’ve made thru the years, the great coaching that keeps me safe, and I love how Kevin is always working to improve our lifes with his programming ideas.I have seen our gym grow leaps and bounds over the last 5 years, from a 200 square foot garage at Ross’s house with about dozen or so members to now.But you know size doesn’t matter here.In my opinion we have the best crossfit gym around,believe me I have been to a few all over the eastern seaboard.