"Burp and Row"(12.11.2010)
I. Saturday Workout of the Day Schedule:
9:00 am Class
10:00 am Class
II. Metabolic Conditioning Workout of the Day:( “Burp and Row”)
3 sets of:
20 Burpees
Row 300 m
20 Burpees
Row 300 m
*Rest at Intervals. So if you finish 20 Burpees, Row 300 m, 20 Burpees, Row 300 m in certain amount of time, then you rest 5 minutes, then you hit another set for a total of 3 sets. These should be all out efforts with little rest time. No Stopping, No Pondering, No Why Am I Doing This?, Just Go Hard for all 3 Sets.*
III. Competitors Schedule Workout of the Day:
A. Squat Cleans, 3-3-2-2-1-1
B. “Burp and Row Workout of the Day”
(Rest Only 3:00 Minutes between each set)
Post Time to Complete Each Set.
A tough workout today, good job to everyone who came in and gave it their all this morning. Due to time constraints everybody rested only 3 minutes instead of 5. I got done with my last round at 20:05, including the rest periods.
it was a good wod…i was in a rush so i couldnt do squat cleans…i will make up next week but i did do the burpee row WOD it took me a total of 1830….