Brooke is with us for a month before she leaves for the United States Marine Corps for Basic at Paris Island, South Carolina! Work Hard the Next Month Brooke!
I. Vagabond Christmas Party:
Just another reminder to all Vagabonds that Vagabond CrossFit will be having its Christmas Party on Saturday, December 18th, 2010 @ 7:00 pm. All family, friends, and any CrossFitters are welcome. Food Donations and Beverages are strongly encouraged for this party, so bring whatever you want! Let’s have a jolly ole time in the Vagabond Facility!
II. Dynamic Mobility Warm-Up:
Monostructural Warm-Up x 4:00 Minutes
Unglue Those High Hamstrings Prep
Shoulder Mobility(Band Prep)
Squat Series Opener
III. Strength and Metabolic Conditioning Workouts of the Day:
A. Shoulder Press, 1-1-1-1-1, Rest 1:30 between sets
*Compare to March 29th and August 27th.*
B. “Car Bomb Part 2″(AMRAP 15 Minutes):
4 Burpees
6 Kettlebell Swings @ 55/35
8 Pistols(Alternating Legs)
*Pistols can be scaled to the following options. Pistols can be done holding a pole, holding a kettlebell, or down to a box.*
Post Weights Used and Number of Rounds Completed to Comments.
RXing this bad larry, Ross wishes he could but i heard his pistols are more like pee-shooters
This workout was pretty fun! … Got 92# for the shoulder press. Did 13 rounds as RX. Really surprised myself with the pistols … if you put your mind to something, you can do it! … Then did the 800m afterwards with Melissa. Got 3:18 which is a 13 second PR from June. Good job to the 9am class … everyone worked so hard and no one gave up!!
92lbs on my shoulder press! PR by 18lbs! I did 12 rounds using a box for pistols. I wish we had time to do the 800m run! Can’t wait to see what I can do on that!
did 6 rds +17 on the amrap using 70lb kb for swings and 20 lb kb for balance on the pistols. the alternating pistols really slowed me down for some reason i really struggled on my right leg. didnt pr with shoulder press but only missed it by 2 lbs so i wont stress over it. it was a packed house this morning for the 9 am class hope to see you all there tomorrow.
11 rounds used 35lb for kbs, box for pistols… Completed the 800m run with Kelly… 3:29, not sure how I did last time. All and all, just glad I finished the run and didn’t fall over while doing the alternating pistols… Great job to the 9am class
today was a great day considering i have been up for over 48 hours and working for 16 hours straight…..i was welcomed by O’Malley and Dillon at VBC for a suprise workout at 345 when i thought i was able to take a nap…nope 10 rds of 10 pullups 10 box jumps finished 648 wish i thought i could do better but i will try next time….on the 530 pm class i did the shoulder press and stopped at 155….Next was the AMRAP which i selected 70lbs for KBS and did regular pistols or pee shooters if u listen to dave haha…i got 13 rds plus 4 burpees 6 KBS and 1 pistol….all in all a good day….now GO PATS!!!!!
PS DAVE cantg even air squat never mind pistols hahah
12 rounds plus 5 on the amrap, using the 70lb kettlebell and doing rx’d pistols, happy considering I never do pistols.