VAGABOND FITNESS WORKOUT-4/3/09 This was a great day today for Vagabond Fitness. We started around 4:30 pm and the skies were evident that it was going to rain at some point. However, we had no idea at the end of our workout that it…
VAGABOND FITNESS WORKOUT-4/3/09 This was a great day today for Vagabond Fitness. We started around 4:30 pm and the skies were evident that it was going to rain at some point. However, we had no idea at the end of our workout that it…
Vagabond Fitness WOD– 4/1/09- Workouts and The Future of Vagabond Josh/ Chris WOD: Medicine Ball Overview and Technique Training: 8 Minutes:AMRAP 7 Medicine Ball Cleans 7 Push-Ups Josh- 8 and Half Rounds Chris- 9 and Half Rounds These two killed this workout today and…
Vagbond Fitness WOD– 3/31/09 Josh and Chris WOD: Josh- 11 and half rounds- Chris 12 and half rounds 15 mins: AMRAP(As Many Rounds As Possible) of: Jumping Pull-ups X 12 200 m Run These were great scores and very impressive. These guys are really…
Weekend at Crossfit New Hampshire- 3/29/09WOD- “Fight Gone Bad”3 rounds for 5 mins and rest 1 min between each round- 1 min for each movement:20 lb medicine ball-Wall BallSumo Dead High Pull(75 lbs)Box JumpPush Press(75lbs)Row This was the best workout I have had awhile…
Vagabond WOD- 3/30/09 Kevin WOD- Time-10:18 4 rounds of 12-9-6-3- Burpees Push Press(25 lbs) SDHP(25 lbs) 200 m Run Chris WOD- Reached 12-12-12- This was a great day for Chris!! “Ascension Ladder” WOD With a running clock complete an additional rep each minute on…
Vagabond CrossFit WOD- 3/28/09- Happy Birthy Day to My Sister, Julie!!!! Chris WOD-“ Fundamentals+ Run” For Time: 13:085 Rounds for time with reps of 15-12-9-6-3 ofPush-upsFront Squats (45 lb barbell)Push-Press(45 lb barbell) Sumo Deadlift High Pull(45 lb barbell)250m Run Johnnie WOD- “Ouch” Time:7:443 rounds…
VAGABOND FITNESS WOD- 3/27/09 TJ WOD- Missed this workout due to his Prom— Will make up this weekend “Oh, Fundamentals”- 5 rounds for Time- 21-18-15-12-9Row 250 mMedicine Ball Cleans( 20 lbs)Push Press(75 lbs)Deadlift(155 lbs)Push Jerk(75 lbs)Air Squats Chris WOD- Overview of first 8 fundamental…
Vagabond Fitness WOD 3/26/09 Vagabond Fitness WOD 3/26/09Matt- Rest dayTJ-Rest dayJosh- Rest DayKevin- Preparing for tomorrow. Chris and Johnnie WOD- I talked about Chris last night on the post. He is a close friend and was introduced into the Fundamentals tonight. I went by…
VAGABOND FITNESS WOD- 3/25/09 Vagabond Fitness WOD- 3/25/09 Vagabond Fitness WOD 3/25/09 TJ WOD- “Karen” 150 Wall Ball Shots(20 lbs) Time: 8:19 This will be a new workout for TJ and will show him that a simple medicine ball at 20 lbs can give…