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Week 92(Week of 10/7/24)

Week 92(Week of 10/7/24) Day 1: A. TRX Row @ 30×1, 8-10 challenging reps x 4 sets or Assisted Pull Up Machine, 8-10 reps x 4 sets. Advanced: Strict Pull Ups Pronated Fast, x 4 sets. B1. Seated Cable Rows, 12-15 reps/each way…

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Week 91(Week of 9/30/24)

Week 91(Week of 9/30/24) Day 1: A. Negative Pull Ups Supinated Cluster, x 5 sets, rest 1:30 B1. DB Pull Overs @ 30×1, 4-6 repetitions x 4 sets, rest 1:30 B2. DB Zotman Curls @ 30×1, 4-6 repetitions x 4 sets, rest 1:30…

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Week 89(Week of 9/16/24)

Week 89(Week of 9/16/24) Day 1: A. Assisted Pull Up Machine @ 30×1, 4-5 challenging reps x 4 sets or Banded Pull Ups, 5-6 reps x 4 sets. Advanced: Strict Pull Ups, 4-8 reps x 4 sets. B1. Seated Cable Pull Downs, 12-15 reps/each…

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Week 88(Week of  9/9/24)

Week 88(Week of  9/9/24) Day 1: A. TRX Vertical Pull Ups @ 30×1, 8-10 reps x 4 sets or Assisted Weighted Pull Up Machine, 8-10 reps x 4 sets. *Come down every rep, slow and controlled.* Advanced: Pronated Weighted Pull Ups, 3-5 reps x…

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Week 87(Week of 9/2/23)

Week 87(Week of 9/2/23) Day 1: A. TRX Vertical Pull Ups @ 30×1, 8-10 reps x 4 sets or Assisted Weighted Pull Up Machine, 8-10 reps x 4 sets. *Come down every rep, slow and controlled.* Advanced: Pronated Weighted Pull Ups, 3-5 reps x…

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Week 86(Week of 8/26/24)

Week 86(Week of 8/26/24) Day 1: A. Assisted Pull Up Machine @ 30×1, 6-8 challenging reps x 4 sets or Banded Pull Ups, 6-8 reps x 4 sets. Advanced: Strict Pull Ups, 6-8 reps x 4 sets. B1. Standing Low Cable Row, 12-15 reps/each…

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Week 85(Week of 8/19/24)

Week 85(Week of 8/19/24) Day 1: A. Isometric Hold Chin Over Bar, 5-6 seconds each rep @ 30×1, x 4 sets, rest 1:30: *Come down every rep, slow and controlled.* Advanced: Weighted Supinated Pull Ups, x 4 sets, rest 10 seconds in…

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Week 83(Week of 8/5/24)

Week 83(Week of 8/5/24) Day 1: A. Negative Pull Ups Supinated @ 30×1, 3-4 repetitions x 5 sets, rest 1:30: Advanced: Strict Chest to Bar Pull Ups Cluster, x 5 sets, rest 10 seconds in between each rep, rest 1:30 between each set….

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