Colleen Flaherty: October

Vagabond of the Month for October: Colleen Flaherty
Month you were born in: March
Where you are originally from and/or where you live now: Brockton
What days/times you typically train at VBC: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 5:30pm
In addition to being a Vagabond: I’m a mother to a wonderful little 2 year old named Eloise. I work at Steward Surgical where I schedule surgeries. I have the best family and friends anyone could ask for. I love football, go NY Giants!! I love scary movies!!!!
Some training goals: I really want to get pull ups and real push ups. I just want to continue improving and maybe one day do a competition!
What’s the best thing about Vagabond?
EVERYTHING!!!!! I remember after one of the on ramp classes, I literally went home crying saying this was too hard for me and I had convinced myself that I was going to come in the next night and tell Kevin that I wasn’t going to sign up…..when I walked in that night I totally forgot about how I felt the night before. That’s what this place does. You can have the worst day ever and when you walk into the gym you feel 100 times better. It’s definitely my therapy. The people are all amazing and inspiring. Everyone truly cares about one another. I have been to a class at almost every time and I’ve had the chance to work with almost all the coaches. Every single one of them are always there to help you become the best you can be. I work with Andrew the most and he is an awesome coach. He is always pushing me and helping me become better, because of him I finally have good squats. Andrew is the reason I got Vagabond of the month, so thank you to him! This sport is so hard and we all are so proud of ourselves for doing things that we couldn’t do before. It’s because of Kevin, Andrew, and the rest of the VBC coaches that we are as great as we are!! We really are the best community!!!!