"Conquer and Destroy"(10.13.2010)

Handstand Push-Ups, Seeing Some Great Improvements in our Skill Work

I.Vagabond Team Workout of the Day:
The Vagabond Team Workout has been posted and announced to all Vagabonds in the gym. Everyone is invited and I am hoping we get a good turnout with the early announcement. Everytime we have a team workout, there is always a good sense of community and everyone loves it. So, please put your name on the board to ensure a spot and so we can get a good idea of who is going to show up and take part in our legendary team workouts. Costumes are recommended during the team workout, so bring your best outfit to the workout.

Team Workout Date and Time:
Saturday, October 30th, 2010 @ 10:30 am
II. Dynamic Mobility Warm-Up:
Coach B Jumping Drills
Hip Flexion/Extension
Hamstring Partner Stretch
Wall Openers(Adductors and Groins)
Shoulder Hangs(Bands)
III. Hollow Rock Challenge and Metabolic Conditioning Workout of the Day:
A. Hollow Rocks, 20 seconds on/20 seconds off x 8 sets
B. “Destroy and Conquer”( 5 Rounds for time):
Row 250 m
Wall Balls x 30(20lbs/14 lbs)
* Advanced: 12 Foot Target for Wall Balls*
*Intermediate: 10 Foot Target for Wall Balls*
*Beginner: 8 Feet Target for Wall Balls*
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