"CrossFit Tester"(3.20.2012)

One More Week of the CrossFit Opens Left!

*Next On Ramp(Beginners Class) Starts on Monday, April 2nd, 2012*

The On Ramp on Monday, March 12th is sold out and there are no more spots available. However, we will be starting our next On Ramp Beginner Series on Monday, April 2nd, 2012 at either 10:30 am or 7:30 pm. If you wish to reserve a spot for the next On Ramp Class, please contact us at [email protected] or call us at 508 930 8734 to set up an appointment for your free evaulation and assessement at Vagabond Today! Take the next step to improving your overall health and fitness.

*Vagabond No Grain Challenge*

The Vagabond No Grain Challenge will be making an appearance once again at Vagabond. We will be giving out details, and more information as the time comes around, but we are looking at mid April to be the time we start the Challenge. For all newcomers, who want to lose weight, slim down, and perform better in the gym, this is the challenge to do. We had a huge success rate from our last grain challenge, and we gave our some great prizes. This time the No Grain Challenge will last 50 days, so we can prepare for the summer ahead, and shed some of those unwanted lbs. Not only is this made for weight loss, but we are also trying to build community, and also give you guys a new perspective on how to live this type of lifestyle. The rules are easy and simple, DO NOT EAT GRAINS FOR 50 DAYS! Wait 50 days, and see the results!

Email the following contact to save your spot!

[email protected]

*Dr Rich Assessement and Evals for Vagabonds*

Dr. Rich will be at Vagabond this Saturday, March 24th @ 10:00 am for anyone who is interested in getting checked on with any nagging injuries or any questions you have about your body or functions that seem off. Take advantage of this opportunity, as we offered it last month and alot of you got some good pointers and some things checked up on. Take advantage of what we have to offer at Vagabond. We are offering this free of charge for right now as trial runs, as in the future, the service will have a small fee for anyone is interested in more work done, and more evaluations done over time.

Susan going overhead and working hard each time she comes in!

I. Dynamic and Mobility Prep Warm-Up:
5 minutes of movement prep work
*focus on scap ratraction, pec minor, hip ext.
2 rounds of (5 minutes)
kb swing eye level x 5
push ups w/ trunk rotation x 3/side
strict chins or ring rows x 5
Banded Hamstring Stretch
Deadlift Review
II. Lifestyle Phases Strength and Conditioning:
A. Fitness Phase:
Level 1:
Three Rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
21 Deadlifts @ 135/95
9 Burpees
Level 2:
Three Rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
21 Deadlifts @ 185/135
9 Burpees
B. Competition Phase:
Complete the following as prescribed:
2 Minutes and 30 Seconds on the clock:
Row 350 meters, then AMRAP Squat Cleans @ recommended weight of 155 lbs/ 105 lbs
Rest 6:00 Minutes x 5 Sets
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