"Death by Clean and Jerk"(6.29.2010)

I. Great Weekend at CrossFit New Hampshire!

Just want to give my longtime CrossFit Friend and CrossFit New Hampshire Owner, Samy Daghir, a big shout out for holding a great certification for Olympic Lifting and showing his true colors with his hard work and desire to please everyone at the seminar. Enough cannot be said about the world class coaching and professionalism of the Olympic Lifting Coaches. Also, want to give a shout out to Mike Malloy and Jennifer Sargent, for giving me a bed and place to sleep during the weekend. As always I am grateful for your help and concern for my well being(and also a great dinner!!).

II. Dynamic Mobility Warm-Up:
Inch Worm
Spiderman Lunge
Lunge with PVC Pipe
PVC Dislocates
Fanny Whackers

III. Skill Transfer Exercises:
Coach B Warm-Ups(Cleans)
Up and Down
Elbows High and Outside
Muscle Clean
Clean Lands
Clean Drops
Finish with:
Hip Explosive Drills(Partner Warm-Up)

IV. Metabolic Conditioning Workout of the Day:
“Death by Clean and Jerk”
Men: 135 lbs, 115 lbs, 95 lbs, 75 lbs
Women: 95 lbs, 75 lbs, 55 lbs, 45 lbs

*On the Minute Every Minute, you must complete a prescribed amount of clean and jerks. For example, on the first minute, you will complete one clean and jerk. On the second minute, you will complete, two clean and jerks, and so on, until you can no longer complete the number of repetitions within the prescribed minute*

Post rounds completed and minutes.