Vagabond of the Month for December: Stacey Green
Month you were born in: My claim to fame, I was born in February in the middle of the Blizzard of 1978
Where you are originally from and/or where you live now: I’m originally from Randolph, now I live Easton
What days/times you typically train at VBC: I go to the 4:30 class during the week, 9 am on Saturdays and Circuit Training on Sunday’s
In addition to being a Vagabond: I am a daughter, sister, a wonderful friend, a teacher and an Auntie!
What’s the best thing about Vagabond? The best thing about Vagabond are the people and the coaches. I’ve learned so much in the last 2 years at Vagabond about my abilities and how to push myself. I’ve made some lifelong friends. All the coaches are so helpful and encouraging. I always have a blast when I go to the gym. My goals for 2015 are to get stronger so I’m able to complete the Cohasset 2015 Triathlon.