"Farmer's Carry"(3.14.2011)

Team Vagabond CrossFit is up and running, so for everyone registered as an athlete, follow the directions below and sign up so we can have a team on the board!

I. Vagabond CrossFit Team Registration:
Hey Everyone,
We have almost ten athletes who will be competing and representing Vagabond CrossFit in the Online Qualifiers and more than half dozen athletes that myself and my training partner are training through online programming. So, for an up and coming gym, not even a year old, we have over 15 athletes representing Vagabond CrossFit in a sense. Here are some directions on how to register Vagabond CrossFit as your team and affiliate, so do it!
Here’s how to do it in 10 simple steps (I promise it’s not as hard as it looks). 3,2,1… go:
1. Go to: https://games.crossfit.com/
2. Click “Register”
3. Click “Register as an Athlete”
4. Enter your email address, create a password, check the boxes, and click “sign up”
5. Enter your billing info. (the whole season costs $10) and click “review order”
6. Make sure everything is correct and click “submit order”
7. Feel free to upload a photo and add any personal info. you wish
8. Click “Athletes and Teams” near the top right and select “Find Teams”
9. Search “Vagabond CrossFit” and then select “Join”
10. Take a deep breath. You did it!
II. Vagabond CrossFit Fundraiser for Beat the Streets Program:
Hey Guys,
Let’s get on this and start raising some money for Steve’s National Program for at risk youths. Every dollar counts, and our goal as a gym is to raise a $1000 to sponsor a youth. Please give to a great program and help change a kids life!
The donation box is located on the desk in front of the office! Anything Helps!
III. Dynamic Mobility Warm-Up:
Monostructural Warm-Up x 3:00 Minutes
Core Temp Warm-Up(Agility Drills)
Squat Opener Series Circuit
90 Degree Quad Stretch
Shoulder Band Hangs
Samson Stretch
IV. Strength and Metabolic Conditioning Workouts of the Day:
A. Shoulder Press(Sets Across), 2-2-2-2-2
*Add 2.5 lbs or 5 lbs to your weight from last week, March 7th, 2011.*
B. AMRAP 10 Minutes of:
15 Wall Balls
150 Feet x DB/KB Farmer’s Carry
*You choose weight for Farmer’s Carry.*
V. Competitors Schedule Workouts of the Day:
A. Front Squat(5/3/1)- Compare to February 14th, 2011
1st set @ 3 reps(add 10 lbs)
2nd set @ 3 reps(add 10 lbs)
3rd set @ 3 reps or more(add 5 lbs)
B. Practice a Goat for 15 Minutes
C. For Sets of:
Row 250 m as fast as possible
Rest 2:00 Minutes
Row 500 m as fast possible
Rest 4:00 Minutes
Row 750 m as fast as possible
Post Weights Used and Number Rounds Completed to Comments.