*CrossFit Opens Workout 12.2 on Saturday, March 3rd @ 9:00 am at Vagabond*
Alot of people are nervous, frightened, and stressing over the second workout posted by CrossFit HeadQuarters for the CrossFit Opens Workout 12.2. Do not be nervous, do not be scared, and just de stress yourself. At the end of the day, this is for fun, and it is for enjoyment and for the fun of the game. We are here to build community, and help you guys along the way reach your goals. People are deadly scared of the snatches, and maybe in your own right, you should be a little nervous, but having a few butterflies is never a bad thing. It prepares you what what you about to do, and also gives you that drive to accomplish something that you never have done before. I am going to reassure every Vagabond, that you will get through the first round of 30 repetition of snatches, even if you have to enter the scaled division for the Vagabond Mini Competition. We have all done snatches at some point, even if it is during the warm up when we perform Coach B Warm- Ups. No matter what you will all do great, and believe me all of you will surpass what you think you can do, once that timer clicks down from 3.2.1 Go! You are all inspiration for me, and make me love my job. Keep your head up, work hard, and just come in and have some fun with your fellow Vagabonds! This is what it is about, to have fun, try something you might struggle on, and maybe in the mean time you will surprise yourself how well you will do. We are here to help you, and that is our main goal!
*Next On Ramp Session Begins on Monday, March 12th @ either 10:30 am or 7:30 pm.*
* Next On Ramp Session Starts on Monday, March 12th and will run for two weeks on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday*
Our Next On Ramp Beginner’s Class starts on Monday, March 12th at either 10:30 am or 7:30 pm, and will run on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. We are still accepting people for this class session, but spots are limited, so please contact Vagabond CrossFit at either [email protected] or call us at 508 930 8734 to schedule your free assessement today!
I. Dynamic and Mobility Prep Warm-Up:
7 minute warm up – movement prep
*dynamic work focus on shoulders and thoracic ext.
30 TGU @ light weight(15 each side)
*slow and steady*
II. Lifestyle Phases Strength and Conditioning:
A. Fitness Phase: Level 1 and Level 2
A. 3 Sets of 15 Unbroken Wall Balls, Rest 45 seconds between sets
B. 3 Sets of AMRAP Cals Row x 30 seconds, Rest 45 seconds between sets
C. 3 Sets of Unbroken 15 Kettlebell Swings, Rest 45 seconds between sets
D. 3 Sets of Jump Rope(Single Unders or Double Unders) x 30 seconds, Rest 45 seconds between sets
E. 3 Sets of 15 Unbroken Sumo Dead High Pulls, rest 45 seconds between sets.
B. Competition Phase:
Mobility Plan and Game Plan for Opens Workout 12.2. We have some good mobility review, and also game planning, so if you want to come in, and hit some mobility to prep you for Saturday, Come on In!
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