“Friday 6.14.2024”

Vagabond of the Month for May: Frank Marcotti Jr.

Best thing about Vagabond:

The people /community along with the programming and coaches, especially being coached, driven by my daughter Juliette.

I. Dynamic and Mobility Prep Warm-Up:
2-3 Minutes of Bike/Row/Jump Rope Warm-Up

Coach Option Warm-Up for 5-7 Minutes and then to Board for Review of Workouts and Events


II. Phases Strength + Conditioning:

A. Lifestyle Phase 

Lower Body/Upper Body Pull + Conditioning

A1. Front Squat, 4 reps x 4 sets, rest 30 seconds.

A2. Landmine Rotational, 5 reps/each way x 4 sets, rest 30 seconds.

A3. DB JM Press, 12 reps x 4 sets, rest 30 seconds.

A4. Banded Rows, 20 reps x 4 sets, rest 60 seconds.


B. Conditioning of the following:

15 Minutes of Work of the following:

12/10 Cal Assault Bike

9 DB Strict Press

6 Ball Slams

3 Box Jumps or Scaled Height


Rest 2 Minutes


3 Minute Hard Effort on Bike(Will do this next 3 weeks-every friday for 3 minutes to end-track progress-push self)(Week 3 of 3)


B. Fitness Phase

Lower Body + Conditioning

A1. Sumo Deadlift, 5 reps x 4 sets, rest 45 seconds.

A2. Banded Pallof Press, 5 reps/each way x 4 sets, rest 45 seconds.

B1. Split Stance DB Single Arm Press, 10 reps/each arm x 3 sets, rest 30 seconds.

B2. Banded Curls, 20 reps x 3 sets, rest 30 seconds.


C. Conditioning of the following;

15 Minutes of Work of the following:

12 DB Single Arm Floor Press Alternating(6 reps/each arm)

15/12 Cal Row or 200 Meter Run

12 Walking Lunges(6/each way) or 10 Wall Balls or Goblet Squats

25 Double Unders(50 Jump Ropes)

6 Kipping Pull Ups or TRX Row or TRX Vertical Pull Ups


3 Minute Hard Effort on Row (Will do this next 3 weeks-every friday for 3 minutes to end-track progress-push self)(Week 3 of 3)

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