Vagabond of the Month for July: Kristen V.
Best Part About Vagabond Way Fitness:
Of course the best thing about Vagabond are the people. Everyone is so supportive from the most experienced to the least experienced and everyone in-between.
I. Dynamic and Mobility Prep Warm-Up:
2-3 Minutes of Bike/Row/Jump Rope Warm-Up
Coach Option Warm-Up for 5-7 Minutes and then to Board for Review of Workouts and Events
II. Phases Strength + Conditioning:
A. Lifestyle Phase
Lower Body/Upper Body Pull + Conditioning
A1. Sumo Deadlift, 5 reps x 4 sets, rest 15 seconds.
1RM Date: Sumo Deadlift 5/3/24
A2. Single Arm Seated Cable Pull Downs, 10 reps/each way x 4 sets, rest 60 seconds.
A3. KB Side Bends, 10 reps/each way x 4 sets, rest 60 seconds
A4. Single Arm DB Half Kneeling Press, 10 reps/each way x 4 sets, rest 60 seconds.
B. Conditioning of the following:
4 Sets of the following:
8-10 DB Thrusters
200 Meter Run(250 Meter Row)
8-10 TRX Row
Run 200 Meters(250 Meter Row)
8-10 Large Med Ball Slams
Run 200 Meters(250 Meter Row)
*Just keep moving and grooving*
B. Fitness Phase
Lower Body + Conditioning
A. High Bar Back Squat(Heel Lift If Needed), 70% of 1RM, 4 reps x 5 sets, rest as needed between sets.
B1. Single Leg Curtsy Lunge Weighted, 8 reps/each leg x 3 sets, rest 30 seconds.
B2. Bar Dips, 6-8 reps or Assisted Bar Dips on Gravitron, 8-10 reps or Push Ups, 10-12 reps x 3 sets, rest 30 seconds.
B3. Machine Curls, 10-12 reps x 3 sets, rest 30 seconds.
C. Conditioning of the following:
5 Sets of the following:
200 Meter Run(10/8 Cal Assault Bike)
8-10 Barbell Thrusters @ 95/65, 75/45 lbs
200 Meter Run(10/8 Cal Assault Bike)
8-10 Toes to Bar or Hanging Knee Raises or Sit-Ups(10-12 reps)
*Just keep grooving and moving.*
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