Today I was kind of looking forward to because I wanted to see how my muscle ups felt after a couple weeks off, and also the last two weeks I have been doing alot of work with strict pull ups with different grips. I am hot and cold with muscle ups, and today I had to do 50 muscle ups, and I believe in the past, this would have been a problem. I also had a short rest time, and also had to do a pulling exercise in between those muscle ups. I went through all the muscle up unbroken, and was pretty happy with this, and just worked through it. I also was somewhat happy with my squat cleans, because I worked in a heavy squat clean at the end, and it felt pretty good at the end @ 245 lbs, even with 45 muscle ups before hand. Also hit some thrusters for a 3 rep max, and I believe my old 1 rep max might have been in the 200’s…Felt pretty good on these, and I will take whatever I can get…
Friday, August 10th, 2012 Workout:
A. Work to a 3 rep max Thruster…
B1. Squat Clean + Front Squat, 1.1 x 10 sets, rest 1 min
185 x 2 sets, 195 x 2 sets, 205 x 2 sets, 225 x 2 sets, 235 x 1 set, 245 x 1 set
B2. Muscle Up Cluster, 3.2 x 10 sets, rest 1 min
All sets unbroken.
C1. Barbell Split Lunges @ 20×1, 8/each leg x 3 sets, rest 1:30
95-115-135 X 8 reps, new movement, so felt it out.
C2. Weighted Ring Rows @ 30×0, 8 reps x 3 sets, rest 1:30
used 50 lbs weight vest.
Thrusters @ 3 reps @ 215 lbs
1 Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat @ 245 lbs