*Rest on Thursday and Saturday, due to lack of sleep and not taking care of myself in this manner. This will have to be more of priorioty, and not worry about going out as much. However, I am human, and at some point, you just have to let yourself go, and enjoy yourself. I rested on Thursday with some active recovery with SURFING down in Westport. On Saturday, due to lack of sleep, work that had to be done, and trying to catch up on sleep, I felt it was necessary to take a rest day and try to rejuvenate my body. Overall, it killed me inside, to take the rest day, as I felt I was being lazy, it was the right decision. Also, my eatin was off this weekend, as I indulged myself on Friday with a cheat meal of Pizza, in which, I did not get as sick or as shitty as I once would think I would. However, I will be going to Whole Foods sometimes this week, to restock up on food, and prepare myself for the next week ahead.*
Friday, August 12th, 2011 Workout of the Day:
A. Overhead Squat, 3 sets of 15 reps @ 135 lbs, unbroken
B. Box Squat, 10 sets of 2 @ 225 lbs, rest 60 seconds between sets
C. 5 Rounds of the following: No Time Component:
20 Cal Row
20 GHD Sit-Ups
*This workout was good, but the hip flexors and quadriceps were shot from the 13 sets of squatting before, but overall a good workout for the time period, as I was quite tired from a lack of sleep the night before*