Friday, Sunday, and Monday Workouts of the Day

Friday, October 29th, 2011 Workout of the Day:
This was the first time I did deadlift for a strength workout in almost 14 months, so had to ease back into it. My deadlift was one of my best deadlifts because i partially tore my hamstring, and then had repeated bouts with back problems. I was happy with the overall effect, and def had some more in the tank, but let’s take it slow and easy!

A. Deadlift, 3-3-3-1-1-1
B. 40 seconds on 20 seconds off x 3 sets of:
Row Cals
Kettlebell Swings @ 2 pood
Box Jumps @ 24 inches
Burpee Target

Sunday, October 30th, 2011 Workout of the Day:
Bad day overall and missing my lifts everywhere!
A. Snatch, worked up to 205 lbs, but was missing like crazy!
B. Clean and Jerk, worked up to 245 lbs, missing like crazy on heavier lifts!
C. Front Squats, worked up to 275 lbs, stopped myself, as I was so spent from the first two previous lifts and back was hurting again

Monday, October 31st, 2011 Workout of the Day:
A. Snatch Push Press, worked up to 195 lbs, went light, and not feeling it
B. 4 Rounds of Cindy/8 Power Snatch @ 135 lbs
3 Rounds of Cindy/6 Power Snatch
2 Rounds of Cindy/4 Power Snatch
1 Round of Cindy/ 2 Power Snatch
Time: 8:03