"Hennessy's Revenge"(12.8.2010)
I. Dynamic Mobility Warm-Up:
Monostructural Warm-Up x 4:00 Minutes
Lunge Complex
High Hamstring Stretch Prep
Shoulder Extensions
Front Rack Position Mobilization
Coach B Warm-Ups
II. Strength and Metabolic Conditioning Workouts of the Day:
A. Front Squat, 5 sets of 3
*Compare to March 13th and July 7th.*
B. “Hennessy’s Revenge”(3 Rounds for time):
15 Hang Power Cleans
15 Box Jumps
*Phase 1*
Hang Power Cleans @ 75/55
*Phase 2*
Hang Power Cleans @ 95/65
*Phase 3*
Hang Power Cleans @ 115/75
*Phase 4*
Hang Power Cleans @ 135/85
*All Phases 1-3*
Box Jumps @ 24/20
*Phase 4*
Box Jumps @ 30
III. Competitors Schedule Workout of the Day:
A. 5 Rounds of:
50 Double-Unders
10 Burpees
B. Front Squat, 5 sets of 3 reps
C.”Hennessy’s Revenge”
Post Weights Used and Time to Complete to Comments.
Got up to 155 on the Front Squats today. That was my ONE rep max Oct.11th. Pretty happy with that! Did Level 1 in 5:05 for the WOD. Good job stickin it out today Jill! And Matt, though I poke fun at your post work out – work out’s I do envy it haha, I wish I had the energy you do after a work out to go for a max box jump and a series of pull ups haha good job!
thanks kyle good work man
Matt, awesome job on box jumps! During WOD and the big jumps after!! Nice ups! (And TY, Kyle!)
Thanks jill way to get a work out in even tho you have a nagging injury!!
Today’s workout was short and sweet. =) Got 150# for the 3 rep max. Used 80# for the cleans and a 20 inch box. Got 5:03. Good job to the 9am class once again today!!