Vagabond of the Month for January: Mark Condon
Month you were born in: March 14th
Where you are originally from and/or where you live now:
Grew up in Stoughton. Toughtown, tell your friends. I’ve lived in Easton for 7 years now.
What days/times you typically train at VBC:
It varies due to work but usually either the 9, 12 or 4:30 classes. I go 6 days a week, usually taking Fridays off.
In addition to being a Vagabond:
I’m a brother, son, and uncle. Chip connoisseur. Bought my house and my business both back in 2007.
My proudest accomplishment(s) in my training so far is/are
I’ve made some big strides the last few months since my training with Corrin. Most proud of my 235# squat clean last month. Considering I couldn’t even squat that much a few months ago. I came in 11th in my first individual comp at Southie. Coming in 4th at the Frosty a couple weeks ago was great. Hoping to make the Top 3 podium soon.
Some current training goals and/or personal goals are
Way too many but I’d start off with hoping to squat like a real man by the end of this year. Every time I get a new PR, Corrin one-ups me the following week. I need to get my form down on muscle ups and improve my shoulder strength/stability. I’d like to get my squat clean up to 265# and my clean and jerk to 235#. And double unders…freaking double unders.
What’s the best thing about Vagabond?
It’s so redundant at this point because everyone says this every month but the community is incredible. Every competition we go to, we always have the most people there cheering on our respective gym. I joined vagabond on my birthday almost 2 years ago and it’s definitely changed my life. I’m there for almost 3 hours on Sundays sometimes just because there’s always something to work on and I genuinely like doing extra work with people there. It’s crazy to think how close I am with so many people that I didn’t even know 2 years ago. All the coaches have their own unique personality and ways to push you. I don’t know why Andrew just started calling me Conman one day, or even what it means, but I like it. Your ego gets checked at the door because we’re all there for the same purpose and that’s to get in better shape. Everyone genuinely cares about each other’s improvements. I think about my days at Planet Fitness and just laugh. I could never go back. Kevin has me here for life. As frustrating as last year was with my back injury, Kevin or Corrin gave me workouts to do. Every. Single. Day. Even doing the workouts with me because we all had a back injury. It sucked being in my own little “disabled corner” at times but being given something to do everyday kept me there and it’s paid off. That’s when Vagabond became my safe haven. I couldn’t compete in The Opens last year because of the injury. I’m already stressed about the upcoming Opens in 4 weeks but I’m oddly looking forward to suffering with everyone this year and not just being a judge. LET’S GO!!!