* Follow the No Grain Challenge Facebook Group Page, Tons of Information so far, and alot of good recipes! Click on No Grain Challenge link to the right.*
*Vagabond CrossFit Halloween Party this Saturday , October 15th, 2011 @ 7:00 pm. The party will be held at Annali’s House, and is located on 1375 Washington Street, Canton, Mass(Park on Draper Street). We encourage all Vagabonds to come and party it up for a pre-celebration Halloween Party and just to have a great time and relax with your fellow gym members! Costumes are strongly encouraged, but not mandatory!*
I. Dynamic Specific:
Coaches Options x 5 to 7 Minutes(Warm it Up and Get Loose)
II. Dynamic Mobility:
Hamstring Banded Stretch(Around Pull-Up Bar)
Front Rack Position Stretch
Foam Roll x 5 Minutes x Quadriceps(Roll and Mash Horizontal)
III. Conditioning Workout of the Day:
“Lily Blake”(3 Rounds for time):
Row 500 m
15 L-Pull-Ups
15 DB Push Press @ 45 or 50/35
15 Kettlbell Swings @ 2 pood/ 1.5 pood
15 DB Front Squats
15 Back Extensions
*Rowing is added due to some rainy weather this am and pm*
*Level 1*
3 Rounds for time of:
Row 350 m
15 Strict Body Rows
15 DB Push Press @ 25/12
15 Kettlebell Swings @ 35/18
15 DB Front Squats
15 Good Mornings
*Level 2*
3 Rounds for time of:
Row 500 m
15 Banded Strict Pull-Ups
15 DB Push Press @ 30/20
15 Kettlebell Swings @ 44/25
15 DB Front Squats
15 Back Extensions
*Level 3*
3 Rounds for time of:
Row 500 m
15 Strict Pull-Ups
15 DB Push Press @ 40/30
15 Kettlebell Swings @ 55/35
15 DB Front Squats
15 Back Extensions
As Rx
Post Time to Complete to Comments.
Can’t wait to meet Lily in person, she is one beautiful baby, who is lucky to have two great parents.
Kevin, I’m trying to remember what you said, in order for me to give you the go screw look…
Congratulations, Melissa and Ross!! She is absolutely beautiful!! Ever think you could love anything this much!?
What a cutie …. Congratulations to the both of you……:0)
conrgats guys!! excited for you
Thank you to all the vagabonds who were thinking of us. We belong to such a great community and Lily will be luck to to know each and everyone of you! That being said this workout killed the BossMan I don’t know if I was just physically tired and mentally tired but I had to do the WOD dedicated to my daughter while mommy had some alone time. I completed the WOD in 2139 adv. The worst part was the L pullups by far! Good luck VBCers see you soon!!!
Melissa- I’m not sure what Kevin said but Im looking at you like I smelled something awful. Its always nice when Kevin posts such flattering pictures of us ;0)
Thank you to all the vagabonds who were thinking of us. We belong to such a great community and Lily will be luck to to know each and everyone of you! That being said this workout killed the BossMan I don’t know if I was just physically tired and mentally tired but I had to do the WOD dedicated to my daughter while mommy had some alone time. I completed the WOD in 2139 adv. The worst part was the L pullups by far! Good luck VBCers see you soon!!!
P.S. If this work out is an indication of how Lily is going to be I am in a world of trouble!!
Congrats Ross and Melissa. Hope to see you guys soon.